Left room 

Time Teller
Graphic Score made for voices (riso print, 29,7 x 42 cm, English and Swedish edition)

Time Teller is a graphic score with two voices, which changes its instructions based on the interpreter’s daily routine and location. The different times of day determine the duration and sound with the help of a clock. The minute hand of the clock indicates what sound to sing (aaah, oooh, hum), and the hour hand shows how long to sustain a tone. The score also includes pauses (to count out loud or quiet), instructions to mimic the sound of a decreasing or accelerating train, and to read, sing, or whisper texts.

At Galleri Mejan, Time Teller was presented as printouts for visitors to engage with in the exhibition space or take home.

The title Time Teller is from a monologue on circular and linear time by the character Shevek in Ursula K. Le Guin’s novel The Dispossessed.

Aaah, Oooh, Hum
Ø 30 cm
Engraved glass, steel, color filter, spotlights

Aaah, Oooh, Hum is a wall-hung sculpture of the clock from the graphic score, with adjustable hands. Blue filters covered the lights and windows in the space. One spotlight was directed onto the sculpture, and the others illuminated empty wall spaces, suggesting that other clocks have existed or will exist.

Right room

Time Teller (Huda, Stacey,
Boris, Mari, Amy, Emily,
Jesse & Sandeep)

Sound installation (8 channels)
Sound (16:37 min loop), 8 speakers (one voice in each), steel tripods, blue color filter on windows and lights

A version of the graphic score Time Teller with eight different interpretations. The ensemble consists of a group of artists who shared a residency housed in an old train station. Their interpretations are recorded in their homes and arranged into a multi-channel composition, with one voice in each speaker.

Interpretations sung and recorded by: Stacey Ejiroghene Okparavero (Lagos), Huda Zikry (Cairo), Boris Jöns (Berlin), Sandeep TK (Bangalore), Emily Thomas (Berlin), Jesse Gerard Mpango (Dar Es Salaam), Amy Boulton (Gothenburg), Mari Mattsson (Stockholm).